But what can we do with it? Perhaps we can alter it. For now, all you need to know is that I’m taking NFTs very seriously, and they will be forever part of my work. I will be adding links in a different way, but for now, you can explore a few places where you might find me… There are more worlds than this.

https://objkt.com/profile/tz1SpzwhCKNKE5vDiEweAeHVvAwpi4djHyUh/created (Tezos)
https://kalamint.io/user/endpop (Tezos)
https://wax.atomichub.io/creator/collection/endpopmatter (WAX)
https://zora.co/endpop (ETH)
https://foundation.app/@endpop (ETH)
https://mintable.app/u/endpop (ETH)
https://rarible.com/endpop (ETH)

Did you know? Dead Stars is a 12″ that was conceived of during the 2020 lockdown…